
Image Resolution Explained

Having great, high quality photos in your yearbook is one of the most important things you can do to ensure you get the best results in your printed book. This article helps to demystify some of the warnings you may see throughout the system, and explain how you can fix the errors. What are these […]

Chat Avatars

You can upload a chat avatar to be used whenever you are chatting to your friends within our online system. It will also be displayed at the top left of your profile page within the system, but it will not be printed. To upload an avatar, you should click on My Account in the dropdown […]

How to delete a photo

To delete a photo from the online system, click on it, and then press the (X) button above the comment box: Only the person who uploaded the photo, or an Editor, can delete a photo. If you don’t have permission to delete a photo, you should speak to an Editor to request deletion. Do be […]

What photos will be printed?

Only a photo that has been added to a Page’s print layout will be included in the printed yearbook – simply uploading an image doesn’t mean it will be included. You can read how to choose the photos for your profile page , here

How do I add photos?

To upload a photo to the online system, click Photos in the sidebar, and then Add Photos: From here, you can choose which method you wish to use to upload your photos – Direct Upload, Facebook, Dropbox or Email. Read about them here .